S.A.S.S. - Underground Archaeological Space of Sas - Tridentum



Have you had your share of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Great War? To vary a little, we recommend an immersion, in every way, in Roman history: a Trento under Trento!

Two thousand years of history, 1,700 square metres of Roman city in a fascinating and evocative setting, the result of the archaeological excavations carried out on the occasion of the restoration and expansion of the Teatro Sociale from 1990 to 2000.

Did you know that under the streets of Trento there is another city? It is the ancient Tridentum, made of stone streets, remains of city walls and mosaics. The large area consists of public and private spaces and buildings: a long section of the eastern city wall with a tower transformed in the imperial age into an urban gate, an extensive segment of road paved with large slabs of local red stone. Also below the road system, various conduits referable to an articulated sewerage network have been revealed. Parts of dwellings with domestic environments, floors decorated with mosaics, rooms with underfloor heating systems, courtyards, a perfectly preserved well and a glassmaker's workshop are also visible.  

The acronym "S.A.S.S." (Spazio Archeologico Sotterraneo del Sas), recalls the ancient city district called Sas, partly razed to the ground in the 1930s to make room for the square named after Cesare Battisti.

The exceptional archaeological value of an immersive and multimedia exhibition.

Information and contacts

Places: TRENTO


Piazza Cesare Battisti - Trento


Phone: +390461230171

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