E-bike Trento

Discover Trento by E-Bike - Guided tour to discover the beauties of Trento with the pedal-assisted bike

Until a few years ago, discovering the area by bike was an experience only for a few well-trained cyclists, who were able to overcome even the steepest climbs. Now, thanks to the electric bicycle, it is easier to face the differences in altitude to reach the most coveted views of the city, discover the most remote corners and relax while cycling, just have a well-charged battery! For this reason, we have thought of a cultural itinerary to do with your E-Bike.

Program: The route approved by the Trento Local Police from the point of view of urban mobility involves starting from the tourist information office in Piazza Dante for a short controlled transfer to Piazza della Mostra where the guided tour will officially begin. You will discover a Trento in bike format passing under the Osele underpass, via Suffragio, Manci, Belenzani arriving then at Piazza Duomo where you will continue towards Piazza Fiera and then head to the Albere district. The visit will end with the passage to Piedicastello and the ascent to Doss Trento to admire Trento from the top of the Mausoleo Cesare Battisti

Opening times:
• from April to September 2024, from Monday to Sunday 4:30pm-6:30pm

Detailed information and timetable to be defined

Information and contacts

Places: TRENTO

Ufficio Informazioni - Piazza Dante, 24 - 38123 Trento TN

Event dates

from 08.07.2023 to 30.09.2024
  • il 08.07.2023 - 16:30 - 19:00
  • il 12.08.2023 - 16:30 - 19:00
  • il 09.09.2023 - 16:30 - 19:00
  • from 01.04.2024 to 30.09.2024 - 16:30 - 18:30

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