Forte di Romagnano

Time of the year: all year round

Duration: 2 hours

Length: 3,9 Km

Forte di Romagnano

The fortifications above Romagnano

From the village of Romagnano, which can be reached by bus from Trento, go up the path 614b called the Sentiero delle caore, reaching the stronghold above the town. Leaving the path to the right, it is possible to see traces of trenches and some cave works. Ascending the path for a little longer, you will reach the road that leads to the Fort of Romagnano. After the fort, follow the asphalted road that goes down to the Locanda Margon. At the end of the road you skirt the countryside until you find the path that descends towards Romagnano. A beautiful panoramic point of the valley is placed above the remains of a defensive work from 1915. At the end of the path, a small road that runs alongside some fields leads in a few minutes to the village of Romagnano.

The VII sector of the Fortress started from Monte Bondone and went down to the town of Romagnano and the Adige valley.

Find out more about the sectors of the defensive system of the "Fortress of Trento", dating back to the Great War.

Discover all the trekking routes of the Great War in Trento and surroundings.

The path


Fort Romagnano

  • year of construction: 1896-1899
  • typology: fort
  • ownership: private
  • opening to the public: no
  • state of preservation: restored




2 hours


Difference in altitude

202 m

Total length

3,9 Km

Route type

circular route

Departure altitude

230 m s.l.m.

Maximum altitude

431 MASL

Minimun altitude

230 MASL

Start point



APT Trento, Monte Bondone

Piazza Dante, 24

38122 Trento

Phone: +39 0461 216000

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