Scuola Italiana Sci Fondo Viote - Monte Bondone

Opening times:
• from 3rd December 2024 to 31st March 2025, from Monday to Sunday 8am-5:30pm

A school where competence and experience are the rule is ready to help you learn or improve the technique of cross-country skiing. 37 kilometres of slopes await you.

Located in the fascinating Viote basin, at the foot of Monte Bondone, the Scuola Italiana Sci Fondo has been operating since 1979 with the help of experienced professionals including three FISI-recognised instructors and as many teachers specialising in teaching disabled athletes. Let yourself be guided by this consolidated team of professionals along the 37 kilometres of slopes at your disposal to learn or improve the practice through classic and free technique. Next to the school there is a large car park, the Ski Service Viote shop, where you can rent cross-country skiing equipment but also bobsleighs and snowshoes, and a sledding area for children. The property also offers changing rooms with showers and a bar-restaurant.


The wide range of amenities and facilities.

Information and contacts

Places: TRENTO


Strada delle Caserme, 5 38123 Trento (TN)

Phone: +390461948105

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